Friday, September 17, 2010

The Need for Effective Communication in Organizations

One concept that I find really important from Chapter 4 in the Small Group Text was the "need for effective communication in organizations." There are many organizations on the San Jose State campus, whether it is the A.S.B club or an organization such as a fraternity. All these organizations exist for a purpose such as bringing people together for a common good. The only way for any organization to be successful is by having good communication. An example of good communication can be taken from the group projects all the students have to do for this class. Five students are put into a group in which they must communicate with others to do their group project. The group I am currently in had bad communication at first so we very very disorganized. It wasn't until someone stepped up and took the leadership role and started sending everyone messages. The communication for my group slowly got better and now we are on our way to finishing our project.

1 comment:

  1. It is interesting how when assigned groups, people naturally have to have a person in a sort of leader position in order for things to run smoothly. It seems to be the tried and true method for group communication, since it is almost standard for all organizations to have someone in charge. This is true whether it be a small group of 5 for a project at school, or for much larger things. I wonder if this is because it is actually the most effective method, or if that is just how we are raised and taught to communicate in groups and we do not know any other way to go about it. Either way, having a leader is an effective way to manage and organize group communication.
