Saturday, November 13, 2010

Criteria Reasoning

One concept that I found difficult to understand to understand want "criteria reasoning." The examples provided on my classmate blogs did help me understand the concept a lot because of all the different examples given. Criteria reasoning is when you place a criteria in a statement that will make it seem more valid and accurate. One should start be looking at the criteria by how the outcome of the decision by judged. I had the hardest time trying to find an example for criteria reasoning in my first post for this week because I did not understand criteria reasoning that well. The example that I used in my previous post was how employers look at certain criteria's on your resume when you apply for a job. They look for certain things such as your education level, your previous work experience, and other activities. Employers look at certain criteria to fill the position that they are currently hiring for.

1 comment:

  1. Hello there! I really enjoyed reading this post because I too had an issue with the Reasoning by Criteria part. I also went onto my classmates blogs in search of finding and easier more relatable example than the ones that were on the internet or the ones that were on the link provided by our professor. I think that your example about employers, etc. is a really good example, and one that I can relate to because I have a job and filled out an app and had to go through an interview to get it. They hired me based on the fact that I passed certain criteria that needed to be met in order to hold that position.
