There are seven different types of reasoning.
The first type of reasoning is reasoning by analogy. Reasoning of analogy is basically an analogy statement of two similar things that are compared to each other. An example of this is "riding bmx is like playing a video game. The more you ride, the better you get."
The second type of reasoning is sign reasoning. An example of sign reasoning is "if there is loud music coming from a house, then there must be a party going on inside the house." Sign reasoning can be a linked cause and effect. In the example just because there is loud music coming from the house, doesn't mean there is a party going on inside.
The third type of reasoning is causal reasoning. An example of this is "I walked over a nail so my foot is now bleeding." Causal reasoning is that any cause can lead to a certain effect such as how walking over a nail can cause your foot to bleed.
The fourth type of reasoning is reasoning by criteria. Reasoning of criteria is comparing or looking at certain criteria. An example of this is when people look over your resume, they are looking for certain criteria of the resume such as previous work experience and education.
The fifth type of reasoning is reasoning by example. Reasoning by example is using examples in an argument. An example of this is "I was so bored until I bought a Playstation 3. Now i am never bored."
The sixth type of reasoning is inductive reasoning. An example of inductive reasoning is, "All soccer players we know are fast, therefore all soccer players are fast.
The seventh type of reasoning is deductive reasoning. An example of deductive reasoning is "All MMA fighters are strong. Jake Shields is an MMA fighter, so Jake Shields is strong."