Thursday, December 9, 2010

What I learned this Semester

I believe that I have learned a lot through this course throughout this semester. Throughout the course we were taught many different types of arguments and how each argument can be used successfully. I feel like all these different types of arguments will come in handy one day, I'm just waiting for the day to bust out my mad argument skills!!! I think something important I learned during this semester was the concept of "bad appeals to authority." Bad appeal to authority is when people believes in a claim made from someone else who doesn't have much knowledge on the subject. I think its really important to know about the concept of "bad appeals to authority" because by knowing what is real and what isn't we can see through all the bs in our lives. Another thing I think was important to learn was the fallacy of appealing to emotion. This fallacy can be used to manipulate peoples emotions to get them to either accept an argument.

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