There were a lot of things that I liked about this class. This is my first online class, and I really liked how I was able to "attend class" in the comfort of my own home. I thought it was pretty cool that we were able to show how much we learned through our blog post. Another thing that I liked about blogging is that we didn't have to worry about grammar and punctuation as much as I would for other classes. Being able to read my classmates blogs was also a good thing about this class. If I needed something to supplement my learning, i would read my classmates blog to see if they knew what I didn't know.
My least favorite part was actually having to meet up with my group in person. The reason why I had to take an online class this semester was because I was to busy to go to school. This is the only real complaint of this class. I really didn't mind meeting up in person, but I felt like since this was an online class, all work should have been done over a computer / laptop.
Class Improvement - One thing that I think should be changed for next semester is the Comm 41 homepage. There are way to many blog post on the homepage which ends up lagging when trying to scroll down to see older post. There should be multiply sections on the home page instead of having all the post posted on the first page.
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