Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Usefullness of Assignment #2

For assignment #2, my group and I chose to write our paper on the American Red Cross. At first, I really knew nothing about the Red Cross except that it holds blood drives every so often and that it helps people whenever help is needed such as during Hurricane Katrina. After writing the paper and researching more about the American Red Cross, I have found out that it is so much more then just a group that holds blood drive. The American Red Cross is provides so much then what I thought. For 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, The American Red Cross provides a helping hand in the form of food, shelter, and blood. The American Red Cross is also ran mostly by volunteers who are not getting paid and are helping out of the good will of their hearts. For over a century the American Red Cross has been helping countries all over the world whenever their is a natural disaster or even a domestic disaster.

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