Saturday, October 2, 2010

Appeals to Authority

One concept that I found interesting from this week assignment is the concept of "bad appeals to authority." Bad appeal to authority is when people believes in a claim made from someone else who doesn't have much knowledge on the subject. An example of a bad appeal to authority is the product "Airborne." Airborne is a product which is advertised to cure colds and many consumers buy this product every where believing that it will treat their cold. This is a bad appeal to authority because the product Airborne is nothing more then a pseudoscience. People who took Airborne claim to have the product cure their cold, but what if they were never getting sick in the first place? The product Airborne is a bad appeal to authority because there has been no clinical testing proving that Airborne does in fact cure colds. I think its really important to know about the concept of "bad appeals to authority" because by knowing what is real and what isn't we can see through all the bs in our lives.

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